Pottery Barn Inspired By Pinterest - DIY180 - Knock Off Tour Inspired By Pinterest

This is by far my favorite tour to do and I am excited to be sharing, not only my knockoffs but, with a group of talented bloggers who created some great knockoffs inspired by Pinterest. At the end of my post, you can visit these amazing bloggers. I am always scouring Pintrest for Potterny Barn or any high end inspirated projects. Since Valentine's is just a few weeks away, I thought I share with you these Valentine prints. I was able recreate them with the help of Pic Monkey & Photoshop, glossy photo paper and a printer. 

I am loving how my version of these Valentine's prints turned out. 

Are these prints sweet?  

Pottery Barn Valentine's Day prints total cost is $330.

 My Valentine's Day prints total cost was $3.00. 

You can check out my knockoff Pinterest board here and my other Pinterest boards here as well. Thanks for stopping by and make sure to visit my friends from the tour!


  1. Isn't it great what you can make on your own with the help of PicMonkey and Photoshop? Love your version of these PB prints.

  2. I love how these turned out, Vanessa!

  3. So cute! I would never have known that this was a do-it-yourself project, it looks so professional!

  4. These are really cute! Thanks for the great idea!

  5. I absolutely love these! What a fun idea. You did a great job.

  6. These are really cute, love the triple love one! You did a great job!

  7. Love them, Vanessa ~ and three bucks is certainly better than $300!! You are the knock off master!

  8. Your printables are lovely! I am addicted to making them now!

  9. These are great! Wow! LOVE them and I love your's better than the big buck version:) Good Job!!

  10. Though I am single and won't be really doing a valentines day. I want to decorate because it looks so pretty and fun.

  11. Looks like you saved a lot of money making these yourself. Perfect for Valentine's Day!

  12. These printables are so perfect, so nicely done, just like all of your knock offs, Vanessa. Pinned on the Wayfair Valentine's Day board. :)

  13. What a perfect Valentine's Day gallery wall! I am shocked at how much they cost from Pottery Barn. Great idea, executed beautifully. :)

  14. Love them, Vanessa! You totally knocked them off!

  15. Wow! Vanessa! You really rock this knock off! I had to go back and double check which set you did. Stunning! Jeanette

  16. Oh my gosh I love the prints you made! And what I love even better is creating a PB knock-off! I've been known to make a few myself:) I had planned on doing some Valentine chalkboard art but maybe this would be a better idea.

  17. These are so pretty, Vanessa! I love them....I'm going to print some out for by my desk....hopefully I'll get some extra kisses from my sweetie. ;)


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