Vintage Mirror

Hello, Friends
Hope you are doing well! The last three weeks have not been normal around here. I had a sick child and husband. Thank God, I am fine and grateful for that. I miss blogging and keeping up with my bloggy friends, so I am excited to be bringing you this new tutorial on turning a mirror and making it look vintage.
I found this piece at a yard sale for .50 cents. I am smiling BIG!
I remove the backing to take the mirror out. 
Took an old book and mod podge the pages to frame.
Once the frame is covered with the old book pages I added two coats of Mod Podge.
I took a brown ink pad and went around the edges to give this frame a old feel to it. Once the ink is dried I gave it another coat of Mod Podge (3 coats total). Once the mod podge was dried I check to see if I need to touch up on the brown ink pad. 
Finished product!
Another view
Front view
I didn't paint the frame I just used the brown ink pad and gave it a old look to it.  
I love it! 
I really love how this mirror turned out. It looks great in my office with my vintage maps and books. I Really Miss You all and I LOVE Comments, so drop me a line. Have a great week and I will be back with my normal posting on Monday.




  1. Looks wonderful!! It looks like something you'd see for a lot of $$ in a Ballard Designs catalog. Great work!

  2. i LOVE it!! It looks absolutely gorgeous! The ink really gave it an awesome extra touch. I am now looking all around my house for something to do this to :o)

  3. Very clever! I'm your newest follower looking forward to seeing more of your creativity. Have a great weekend.

  4. I LOVE this!!! And who would believe it only cost fifty cents now?! :)

  5. I never would have thought to use an ink pad! Much easier and less messy than glaze. Great idea!

  6. Sooo cute. I love text on anything. andrea@townandprairie

  7. That is so flippin' cute! Fantastic job! Thank you for the visit, sweet comment, and of course the follow @TheDedicatedHouse! It means the world! Hope you're having a grand evening. Toodles, Kathryn

  8. Love the aged look of it and the book pages are such a cute addition!

  9. This is such a great idea. Recycling and making an ordinary mirror interesting. :)

  10. Great find, awesome vision and beautiful result, Vanessa! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity at the DIY party! :)

  11. wow what an awesome result! I'm glad you linked up to the DIY showoff with this great idea!

  12. What an incredible transformation! And I'm not just saying that cause we share the same name. LOL! :-) That really is beautiful and I can't believe what a great deal it was. Thanks so much for sharing it with us this past weekend at Inspiration Friday~

  13. I can see why you have a big smile on your face! What a deal! You you have done a terrific job. Thanks so much for sharing it at Potpourri Friday! I hope you will make it a weekly party stop!

  14. I really love your mirror! I'd smile too!


  15. <3 it! Isn't it fun how newspaper is so in right now?! <3

  16. I love things made with book pages. This turned out great! Thanks for linking it up to Fabulous Friday at Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust.

    Warmly, Michelle

  17. I love this project! What a great idea to use book pages.

  18. Wow! That looks fantastic! Book page projects are so interesting and fun!

  19. You should love how the mirror turned out, cause it turned out great. I've seen book pages on many things lately, but not a mirror. I'm going to be trying this on the top of the table I have that is beyond repair. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving and thanks so much for sharing on Sunday's Best.

  20. Wow! I wish I can find vintage mirrors for that price!! I turned out GREAT!!!

    Thanks for linking up at my Create and Inspire Linky Party... Hope you can link up next week too! :)

    Angie from


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