Spanish recipe - Empanada

Happy Monday!
The last five days my little girl has been sick. She is still under the weather, but is coming out of it. Thank goodness!
Today, I am going to be sharing with you one of my favorite recipes, Empanadas. Empanada are these delectable golden stuff pastries that can be bake or fried and stuff with difference things. For example, they can be stuff with any meat, seafood, cheese or fruit. This is a very easy recipe and you and your family would love them!

2 pastry puff sheets thawed
1 egg (to be use as an egg wash)
2 Tablespoon of Olive oil
1 1/2 pound of ground beef
1 green pepper chopped
1 medium red onion (or yellow onion) finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
1 bay leave
1 8oz can tomato sauce
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup of water or beef stock or white wine
1/2 cup pimento-stuffed Spanish olives

Pre-heat oven on 350 degrees.
1) On a medium-high heat add ground beef to a large pan and cook till browned, then remove from pan and set aside.
2) Add olive oil and saute onions, green peppers, garlic till onions are translucent
3) Return the meat to the pan and add salt, black pepper, oregano, bay leave, tomato sauce, ketchup, beef stock and Spanish olives. Mix and simmer on low for 30 minutes.
4) While the meat is cooking take pastry puff and roll onto a flour board and cut in three strips and then cut each strip in half. Place each square on baking sheet.
5) Scoop meat onto pastry and seal with fork.
6) Slightly beat egg and with a pastry brush, brush each Empanada with egg wash and bake till golden brown.

When all ingredients are added taste to see if it has enough salt and black pepper.

Scrumptious empanada!
I served these yummy golden pasties with a side of plantains and salad, this is truly Spanish meal you will enjoy. This is an easy meal so try it out and let me know how you like them. Happy Eating!  Thank you for stopping by and I LOVE comments, so drop me a line. Have a great week.



  1. Oh I love empanadas. Thanks for your recipe!

    Also, thanks for your comment today on my blog. Get that chair out! ;)

  2. That looks so goood! My kids would love it, will give it a try!

  3. You're making me hungry...I would love for you to make this for me sometime :) <3 love, Mom

  4. I will so try this. I love those little boxes of puff pastries. :D Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe with us.

    I have bookmarked this page to try this weekend!


  5. I hope your daughter is completely better soon. The recipe looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!!! I love empanadas!! Thanks so much for the recipe. And I'm happy to hear your daughter is feeling better. Mine are just getting over a yucky cold too. :(

  7. hmmmmm i think i will gonna do this... i love empanada :) yummy

  8. Vanessa, these look so delicious! I will have to try this recipe as my whole family loves empanadas!

    Thanks for your sweet comment today. It was so lovely to hear from you.

    Best wishes always,

  9. This sounds easy enough and so yummy looking too!

  10. Oh my those look fabulous! That was my favorite meal at our local Cinebistro...until the Mgr decided to change the menu! I have missed them. Will definitely have to try this recipe.
    Thanks so much for sharing.


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