Happy Glazing!

Happy Friday!

Did you miss me? I sure miss you all. : - ) 
I wish I could tell you I have been on a luxurious vacation or on a big conference, but the truth is, it's been a rough week, but I was determine to post today. I have for you today a project updated. Do you remember my other vintage picture frame? I really wanted the frame to look more warmer and not so gold looking. So, I took out my handy dandy glazing and went to town. I really love the way it look and I can now finish up the next phase of this project. Did I mention I am a bit OCD? (wink) Seriously, I am. I can DIY a project and once it is done I will stare at it for months, till I figure out what is missing. I know; I need to just relax. God isn't finish with me yet. (smile)!

Here is the first fix:

More gold looking.
Here it is updated with the glazing.

I love how the glaze gives the color a warmer look. 
I didn't do anything to the paint I had on there already, but just added the glaze and let it sit for 10 minutes and wipe off. I also made sure the glaze got in the nooks and crannies.

 Here is a sneak peek on my next project. What color shall I paint this lovely piece? Any suggestions?

I appreciate you stopping by and I LOVE your SWEET comments! Have a great weekend!




  1. Hi Vanessa,

    I'm the same way. I think that's why we are called artist. Your frame looks beautiful!!!


  2. Your frame us lovely, Happy to see your post. I see a red table in your future, giggle xo

  3. Hi Vanessa!
    The frame is spectacular and the paint has just emphasized its beauty!
    As per the little 'table' - I would leave it white. In the past two years I have been obsessed with white furniture but not sterile white. I am talking shabby chic white :)
    Have a lovely week!

  4. Hello Vanessa! I'm so happy you stopped by today.

    I love what you've done with the frame -- it's very pretty.

    As far as the table, I suppose it depends on the color scheme of your home, but I could see it in red. Or maybe a sage green? :) Have fun!


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