Moxie For 2012!

I have posted this back in March, 2011, but I woke up at 4am with a sensing to keep going forward. To have courage or my favorite word moxie. Let's go forth with determination, moxie and be bold not just for 2012 but always! 

Renew Hope:
I love to wake up early every morning and see the sun rise. I relish the sweet smell of the morning dew and the warmth of the sun beaming on my face. The mornings are like a rendition of beauty. It makes me feel so peaceful and it renews my strength in moving forward for the day.
Life can be tough, but I face the day with a renewed determination "I will not be defeated and I will not quit." I remember to take every opportunity in the morning to set my day as a chance to renew and clear my heart and mind. The word clear (as silly as this may sound) means unobstructed, unblocked, passable, unrestricted, open, unhindered. No matter what, my day will be unhindered, unrestricted, unblocked, unobstructed.
I love to run and I have learned over time to push threw the pain. Pain will not stop runners from running. They will continue to run till they get to the finish line. They have a determination to never quit. The word determination means strength of character, purposefulness, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, staying power, strong-mindedness, backbone, stubbornness, doggedness, courage and moxie. "Determination" is what I am becoming to be. I Love this word! So much virtue is in this word. I am learning everyday to be more determined. I have seen so many people over the years that have a defeated mentality. They speak words of death and gloom or as I like to call it an Eeyore mentality. No courage or determination to move forward. It's either someone else fault they are not moving forward or they don't know how too. I didn't believe I was smart enough, pretty enough, or good enough to do anything in life. I was sad and unhappy with myself. Then suddenly one day it clicks inside of me, I learned "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". So, I took the first step and went to school and thus my new journey began.
This is why I get up early and I start my day with the Lord just basking in His presence. It gives me renew hope to have the tenacity to stand on God's promises and the peace I get is more rewarding then any gift I have received. I love my life and everyday I give God thanks for everything. No matter what I am going through, I am grateful for everything! I encourage everyone and myself that might read this to renew your hope and be determinate to start you're morning with the Lord.
Isaiah 40: 31

31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Roman 5:1-5

Peace and Joy

1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Thank you for stopping by and I LOVE your Sweet comments so drop me a line. Happy Thursday!



  1. I have been running into Isaiah 40:31 a lot lately! This is such a sweet post. I think the times we are living in can make us grow weary....

  2. Moxie -- I love that word. Hope is a good word too.

    Great post Vanessa! :) Wishing you a happy weekend.

  3. Great post! Hope is what I have for this year. Very beautiful and authentic post. Thanks for letting me know you liked my Valentine's Heart Pillow.


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