A Bit of a Wreck!

Happy Friday My Blogger Friends!

In keeping with my theme  - Vanessa's Favorite Etsy Stores, on Monday, 1/23/12, I will be introducing to you to Maya from The Little Treasures. Maya is very gifted and makes these lovely and elegant crochet pieces which she sells in her Etsy store. If you have not been over to her blog or Etsy's store please stop by and took a look around. Come back this Monday, 1/23/12 so you can see her Valentine's Day post and do some shopping around for that special someone.

I was going to have a tutorial for you today, however on Tuesday I was in a car accident. A Toyota Camry t-bone me on my side and my side air bags deployed. Let's just say those air bag can pack a punch, I am thankful my daughter and I are fine. A nice gentleman helped my daughter and I and all I could do was hold my sweet girl tight in my arms. You see before the accident, while I was pumping gas I had this sensing to pray for God's protection over my little girl and me. The other driver involved had told me he had stopped at the light before he turned onto the lane I was turning on too and he was glad about that because if he hadn't stopped before hand he would have been driving a lot faster. I am very grateful to God my daughter and I are fine, unfortunately I can't say the same about my car. I learn something new about cars, when a car is T-bone the way my was, it can ruin the car framing and the car is a total lost. We plan on car shopping, but we are not going to rush it. We are going to take our time and find the right car for our family. Anyhow, I will hopefully be able to finish my projects over the weekend so I can put up my tutorial next week. Here is a picture of my car.

To replace these air bags will have cost $4,000, how crazy is that.
Anyway, come back this coming Monday to see Maya, Valentine's day post. Have a great weekend and I LOVE your SWEET comments!



  1. Oh gosh! I'm so glad that y'all are okay! Thank God for His protection.

  2. Thanks God everything ended well!!
    Sometimes it is amazing how instincts work!
    {P.S. Thank you for the lovely intro!}

  3. so happy you and your daughter are safe and sound. God Bless! Hugs and smooches and wishes for a beautiful week ahead.

  4. Oh, Vanessa - I'm glad you and your wee one are all right! Aren't we glad that we have guardian angels!

    1. Hi, Kathy

      Thank you and yes, I am grateful for God's protection.

      Have a great week.


  5. So glad you and your daughter are safe! And so thankful that God watches over us. =)

    1. HI, Ashley

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words. I am grateful my daughter and I are fine. By the way, I stopped by your lovely blog and I am a new follower. Have a great weekend.


  6. Ohhh Vanessa thats terrible... eeeek. thank The Lord for your safety. Jennie xx

  7. I'm very glad that only the car get hurt! Hope you and your daughter are fully recover from that shock!

  8. Hi Vanessa,

    Oh boy! I'm glad you and your daughter were not hurt!


  9. I'm glad you and your daughter are fine. I can just imagine what you went through. That was a very scary experience, indeed. It's like those airbags were an angel's wings, protecting you from imminent danger.


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