Christmas Glitter Garland For The Children

Happy Monday!
Today, I am going to share with you a tutorial you can do with your children, but I want to share some wonderful news first. Tomorrow, Dec 6, 2011, I will be guest hosting over with Janny, from Que Linda Blog. If you have never be over at Que Linda's before you need to stop by and see her awesome tutorials. Diane from "The Girl Creative" challenge bloggers to stopping pinning and start creating and thus Creating Christmas was born. Janny and other bloggers are hosting Creating Christmas this whole week, so don't forget to stop Janny's blog tomorrow and see my Christmas tutorial. Remember leave a comment on Janny's blog because I LOVE your SWEET comments.

I did a super fun and easy project with my little one over the weekend. The both of us love crafting and glitter so we decided to make a Christmas glitter garland.
These are the supplies you will need:
A box (cereal, cookie or cracker box)

For this project I cut out circles and a star out of a cereal box.

Use templates, stencil or free hand your design 
Once I cut out the circles and star, little G brushed on glue on the shiny side of the box and then added glitter. Once the cut outs where all dry, I taped them to yarn and hung them up across a mirror.

I added a red bead garland on top of the mirror  
Glitter just make everything look pretty, don't you think? 
I'll always treasure this project.
I love how this project turned out and most importantly I create a sweet memory for little G and me. Thanks for stopping by and I will see you at Que Linda tomorrow! I LOVE your sweet comments so drop me a line.



  1. Vanessa, you garland turned out absolutely beautifully! Thank you so much for visiting me at Rook No. 17! Looking forward to following you here.

    Warmest wishes,

  2. Mmm, a "snap it" project! Looks fantastic!

  3. Although my boys are all growed up and gone, I love seeing holiday projects to enjoy with children. :)

  4. that's really cute! looks like a perfect project to do with my daughter too. :)

    New follower here from the blog hop.

  5. Such a very nice garland. Your right "glitter" does make everything better. Now you have inspired me with another project. It will include glitter. Thanks so much for you always very creative ideas. Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best.

  6. This is a wonderful project will try this one. Just found your lovely blog over at Love Sweet Love nice to meet new friends I'm now following you. If you find a spare minute visit me some day follow back if you want to. Visit you again soon thanks for sharing have a great day.

    Always Wendy

  7. Hi Vanessa,

    I love your garland! The glitter just pops against the mirror.
    Cute project!!!



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