How To Give Tarnish Ornaments A Face Lift

Happy Monday!
Trust you had a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends. All, I have to say is yummo! I am still full.
I been working on my Christmas tree for the last three days and I decided I was going to change it up a bit.  As I was taking out my ornaments, I saw these small glass ornaments I purchased last year. However, I notice they where tarnished and I was not happy. I decided not to trash them, but upcycle them and give these ornaments a face lift.

You can see some of the ornaments are not a bright gold. 
Do you see the ornament on the top left?  I took Mod Podge and covered the ornament, then covered it with Epsom salt. I love this look, however I plan on crushing the epsom salt to make it more fine and adding it to the rest of the ornaments
I also added glitter to two other samples and I love the way they look too, but its messy.
How do you like my ornament holder? Its clothespin and a toilet paper roll. It works great.
I also used Krylon Gold sprayed paint and the ornament didn't fair well. Out of all my samples I love the epsom salt the best. I Love your sweet comments so drop me a line. Have a great day and I will see you on Wednesday.



  1. You made them so cute in a few and easy steps! Great thinking!

  2. Hi Vanessa,

    Cute idea! To get them to hold there glitter use a spray sealer on them. Just do it outside.

    Happy crafting,


  3. What a great way to extend the lives of these pretty ornaments! Love it!

  4. Hi,
    As it's been a year since you posted this, I was wondering if the epsom salt ornament held up over that time? I thought the salt might have some corroding effect on the ornament so I was just hoping for some feedback before trying it out myself :)

    Thank you-
    and they are very pretty!

    1. Hi, Andrea

      Over time the epsom salt lost its look, just because it was exposed to air. It was a nice look for a little bit. I would use glitter or anything else with the powder look to it.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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