Christmas Wall Art!

Hello, Friends
I can't believe it's the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas is only 33 days away. Time seem to be going by so fast and all I want to do is to enjoy every minute of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am in a decorating mode for Christmas, however, I just really want to enjoy my time with my husband, children, family and friends. I encourage you to enjoy your time with your family and friends and incorporate your holiday cooking, baking, decorations with them.

In the lasts few months I have been thinking about words which are powerful and encouraging. Words like Peace, Joy, Hope, Faith, Blessed and the list goes on. This year I created a Christmas wall art to display on my mantle and the word I chose is "Peace".

I had a vintage dictionary of the Bible and as I was looking through it, I found this lovely picture of Bethlehem. I wanted to use this picture in my Christmas wall art and this is what I came up with.

Supplies you will need. 
Lay out your pages first and then mod podge.
Make sure to fold the corners neatly. 
As you mod podge each sheet remove any air bubbles.
All done with the sheets. 
Add your letters and any other decor, then mod podge the entire thing. 
I added two coats of mod podge, this is what it looks like all dry. 
I didn't used the gold paint, but I used a brown ink pad to give it the age look. 
Love the looks on the corners. 
I am really loving this vintage look.  
I love the picture of Bethlehem.
I love how it turned out and I hope you are inspired to create something which means something to you and your family. Have a Bless and Happy Thanksgiving my dear Bloggy Friends! I LOVE your comments, so drop me a line. 



  1. I love what you've done here. The message is simple, the design perfect and sure to catch everyone's eye. Have a great thanksgiving.

  2. Hi!! This is Randee from Randee's Organized Chaos!!! I LOVE this project!!! Thanks for visiting my CHOAS!!! Hope you come and follow along!! I am your newest follower!! ;)

  3. What a great piece of art! You can use that year round...not just for Christmas. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This turned out great! The message along with the Bible extracts make this project truly special!

  5. Hi Vanessa-

    Keeping your board nearby will be a great inspiration for you to enjoy the season and not get stressed. I have taken steps myself to make things a lot simpler and joyful - less hype. Best wishes for a joyous season with your family.

    Happy Thanksgiving.
    My best- Diane

  6. Great inspiration! And great meaning. Thanks for the smile today!

  7. Hi Vanessa,

    How sweet and wonderful your canvas art is.


  8. Thanks so much for linking up at Sassafras Salvation. I am your newest follower! Blessings!

  9. Your Christmas wall art is wonderful.

  10. That looks beautiful. Love the vintage bible paper. I love your blog. I'm your newest follower.
    Would love to see you DIY Home Sweet home.

    P.S. I have a linky every Monday. Would love for you to stop by and link up.
    P.S.S. I have giveaway going on right now. Would love you to stop by and check it out.

  11. Hi Vanessa! I am glad you found me! Thank you for the comment on my snowman! I am also having a linky party going on right now! (I started early,) called Made U Look Thursdays! I would love it if you would link something up! I love this pic you made! I just bought some Mod Podge for the first time this past weekend, I can't wait to try it out!

  12. Glad i found your blog. I love the art project, what a good idea.

  13. Thanks so much for linking up to my Blog Hop Social last week.. I wold love it if you would link up again! And you are so crafty, you must link up to my Made U Look Thursday Craft, Project & Recipe linkup!

  14. This is super cute...I have some ornaments I made on canvas that look similar- see great minds!

    You did a really nice job on this and it looks amazing!


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