Wet Umbrella Bag

TGIF! Happy Labor Day!

I live in Florida and we have our fair share of rain. The raining season here is from June till November. It can rain during the day or night. I could drive in the rain for 2 miles and all of sudden sunshine and no rain. Its crazy! This pass Monday, I was leaving the supermarket and it was raining heavily outside. As I was exiting the building (thank God I had my umbrella in my purse) I saw a display for a complimentary wet umbrella bag. I grab one because I dislike (hate) putting my wet umbrella in the car and its just gets my carpet all wet. As got in the car and I was placing my umbrella in the bag it dawned on me I am going to make myself an umbrella bag, because those complimentary wet bags break.

Materials you will need:
Sewing machine
waterproof fabric - this fabric can be pricey, so here is an alternated a picnic table cloth. Super cheat! I used a picnic table cloth for this project.

As for measurements I just simply took my umbrellas measure it against the fabric. For the second wet umbrella bag I used the complimentary wet umbrella bag as my pattern. I made two bags because I have two small umbrellas and one tall umbrella.

Use my umbrella to measure 

Fold the top edge and sew. This pic is bad, sorry.

Face wrong side and pin the sides and sew the side. Sorry again about the pic.

Before sewing the side sew the bottom at an angle and cut off fabric at an angle. Turn right side out and you are done.

Bag #2 You can use this bag or use your umbrella as your guide to measure. 

Pin the side and trace the other side and pin along the other side.

Fold the top opening and sew. Next sew the bottom corners at an angle and cut extra fabric then sew the sides.

Finish product!

My niece lives up north and I am going to send her one so she can leave it in her car. She can use it when it rains or if it snows. I am going to make her a long and a bit wider bag so she could slide in her umbrella or wet shoes or both. The point is to keep the car rugs dry. These bags are so easy to store as well, you can slide them on the side of your seat or you can leave in the glove compartment. 
Tip: I added a snap on the inside of the bag as well and you can add a strap as well.  

What do you think? I hope you give the umbrella bag a try and I would love to hear from you, so don't forget to leave a comment. Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a safe and happy weekend.



  1. What a great idea! I'd never heard of wet bags, even when I lived in rainy Vancouver...but wow, would that have ever come in handy! I love it! :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by BPPackages tonight!

  2. Well aren't you just the smartest thing! What a great idea. I too live in Florida and get the whole rainy season thing and hate to put that wet umbrella in my car also. Thanks for sharing such a great idea.


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