Vintage Books as a side table

Hello, Blog Friends

This post is going up late, but my sweet hubby had to fix our computer. But now we are up and running. Yippee!

The last few weeks, I have been organizing, rearranging and purging. I am getting ready to do a Just Between Friends consignment sale in October. So, needless to say I have been very busy.

I love to collect vintage things. For example, I love vintage chairs, books (children books mostly), dishes, plates, coffee cups, pictures and well you get the idea. One day my wonderful in-laws came for a visit and brought with them a stack of vintage books. My husband told me they belong to his grandfather, who was a teacher. I love old things so we have a stack of vintage history books. For weeks I have been trying to figure out where in the world are we going to put these books. We have no bookshelves, so I had the books stack up in the corner of the office and a few months later I found this vintage chair and I put two and two together and this is what I came up with. What do you think?

I have more to do, but I just wanted to give you an idea what it looks like. 

Vintage History Books

Here are some other vintage finds I picked up: 

1946 Children story book

vintage dishes

Vintage dish set. It belonged to my husband's great-grandmother. Love these dishes

Vintage dishes

I hope you enjoyed looking at my vintage finds. Thank you for stopping by. Love to hear from you so please leave a comment. 



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